Thursday, January 03, 2008


Each time a new version of VFP is released I look at all the new commands and functions to see how I might be able to incorporate them into my user applications and developer tools. Each time I have found some function or command that makes me scratch my head and wonder what the Fox Team had in mind. For VFP 9 this was MAKETRANSACTABLE().

At least this is how I felt about this command up to a month ago. I received a new mini-project from one of my clients who needed a basic import of some accounting data from an external program into their custom app. The external table was a free table created and/or updated by another program. The new records needed to be imported into another DBF contained in a database container. Once the records are imported I needed to stamp them as imported in the free table. Hmmm, sounds like something I would want to do inside a transaction, but I have this free table... ah, finally the perfect reason to use MAKETRANSACTABLE().

The funny thing about this is I have never tried the new command to see if it works {g}. It is rare for me to work with free tables in a production environment. Normally I work with SQL Server, or VFP contained tables.

So I tested it out and it does indeed work, and it works well. The odds of the import not working is very, very remote because I am only adding the new records to the database table (no updates of existing records), but I thought the extra security of doing it inside a transaction was worth the extra couple of commands to add to the code.

Here is some of the code so you can understand fundamentally what I did.

USE (toParameter.cFeedFile) IN 0 EXCLUSIVE ALIAS (toParameter.cFeedFileAlias)
SELECT (toParameter.cFeedFileAlias)

* Allow the free table to work in a transaction


* Set buffering so entire table gets updated or can be reverted
CURSORSETPROP("Buffering", 5, toParameter.cFeedFileAlias)

**** Open other tables...

CATCH TO loException
toParameter.lOpenedAll = .F.
toParameter.cTableUpdatedFailureMsg = "Failed opening tables - " + ;


*** Handle processing of tables...

* Start a transaction so all changes can be backed out.


toParameter.lDatabaseFileTableUpdatedResult = ;
TABLEUPDATE(.T., .F., toParameter.cDataBaseFileAlias)

IF toParameter.lDatabaseFileTableUpdatedResult
* Continue on with the feed table update
toParameter.lFeedFileTableUpdatedResult = ;
TABLEUPDATE(.T., .F., toParameter.cFeedFileAlias)

IF toParameter.lFeedFileTableUpdatedResult
* All changes committed
* Record why
toParameter.cTableUpdatedFailureMsg = laError[2]
* Record why
toParameter.cTableUpdatedFailureMsg = laError[2]

* Determine the way to finish up.
IF toParameter.lDatabaseFileTableUpdatedResult AND ;
* All went well and is commited
* Problems and rollback
TABLEREVERT(.T., toParameter.cDataBaseFileAlias)
TABLEREVERT(.T., toParameter.cFeedFileAlias)
toParameter.nRecordsInserted = 0

I think it is cool when there are others that have a vision to incorporate things into Visual FoxPro that hit me years later how I can use them.

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Thursday, February 01, 2007

Consolas Font: Paying it forward

Last month at the Detroit Area Fox User Group, my friend Paul Mrozowski demoed a number of tools and tips he uses every day in his VFP and .NET development. It was a great presentation and one where I learned a number of new things. One of these tips is to use the Consolas font from Microsoft.

The Consolas font is a non-proportional font like Courier New, but is better in many respects. The first is it is heavier or thicker than the Courier New font, but it is narrower too. In my opinion it is easier to read and provides more text in the same space. Other big differences are number zero (is it the letter O or the numeric zero?), the possible semi-colon vs. colon confusion, and the comma vs. period. Here is an image with both fonts set at 12 point, bold:

You can download the Consolas Font Pack for Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 direct from Microsoft. It works with Visual FoxPro too ;).

I like to work with smaller fonts and work at a high resolution (1920x1200) on a 15.4 inch wide screen monitor running Clear Type. I believe the eye strain I experience working long hours is reduced.

Thanks Paul for this simple, but fantastic tip!

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