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Good week in July

Looking forward to July 2005…

NASA announced the launch of space shuttle Discovery is currently scheduled for July 13th. This will be a great day for the space program and a tribute to the spirit of the seven astronauts who perished with Columbia on February 1, 2003. It will be good to see the shuttle program back in space and the International Space Station back in the construction business. I only wish I could fly to Florida to see it in person.

Then three days later is the launch of another kind – Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince! Coincidentally, the last book in this series Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix was launched in 2003. The Schummer family has read all five books as a family out loud and the sixth book will be consumed in the same manner. Most of the reading happens while we are driving on vacation and in the evenings in our camper. I anticipate the kids will not wait for our summer trip.

Hard to believe both of these events are two years in the making. If things go well, I anticipate White Light Computing will be making an important announcement in July which is also two years in the making. Stay tuned.

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