
Archive for November, 2008


Joel Leach has entered into the blogosphere over the last few days over on Foxite. In case you don’t know Joel, he is the new project manager of FoxTabs over on VFPX.

Welcome Joel!



Just in case you are not one of the 3 people who follow me on Twitter, I have a new Web site. If you need to blame someone for something you did or want to avoid the responsibility, please check out the newest social Web site:

Just in time for election day, a new week of the job grind, or just living everyday life.

And for the record, it could be: BlameITonRick (IT as in Information Technology), but we want the non-geeks to have a place to shirk responsibility too. {g}

The site is all cutting edge Web 1.0, with hints on where it will go next. All the important details are found on the About page on my newest technical experiment.

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