
Archive for January, 2018


Geek Gatherings LLC is officially asking you to save the dates for Southwest Fox 2018! The conference takes place October 18-21, 2018 at the San Tan Elegante Conference and Reception Center, the same great location as last year.

We choose speakers from the developer community based on their session proposals. We are always looking for new speakers. Watch the Call for Speakers page of the conference website; we’ll post the Call for Speakers in late February.

As in prior years, we run a substantial risk in running the conference, primarily the tens of thousands of dollars we have to commit to the conference center. So, once again, we ask you to register for the conference before the July 1 deadline so we can make our go or no-go decision.

All the details about registration, speakers, sessions, and more will be available in May.

Special Request!!!

If there are any topics you hope will be covered this year, please send them to, right away.

White Light Computing is a Platinum Sponsor for the 12th year in a row, and has been a sponsor at all the previous Southwest Fox conferences.

Only 268 days before we gather in Gilbert, see you then!