
Archive for the ‘Administrivia’ Category


Welcome to Shedding Some Light v2.0.

My blog entries have been processed through Blogger and FTP’ed to the Web server since I started the blog back in February of 2005 (wow, more than 5 years ago). For me it is important to have my content hosted on my site. I do not want to be part of the collateral damage when some blog host decides to stop doing business. Blogger has been easy to use and provided me with the functionality I needed to simply get my thoughts posted, but according to them I am in the half a percent minority posting to my own hosted site. Blogger announced they no longer are supporting the FTP posters so I moved my blog to a new engine. Today this was accomplished!

I am now using WordPress as the blogging engine and the initial impressions are positive. GoDaddy made it simple to install and set up the MySQL database. Blogger made it easy to export my posted content. I used one tool to convert the Blogger export file to a WordPress export file. WordPress simply imported the posts, the author, and all the comments. Pick a theme and make a few setting choices and shazzamo, blog 2.0.

So please be patient as I go clean up the links and the get everything set up on WordPress.