I was conversing with Rachel Hawley of Red Gate (makers of some excellent SQL Server tools). Rachel is responsible for some of the door prizes we are giving away at Southwest Fox next week. In the spirit of full disclosure: I am a “Friend of Red Gate”. This is a program Red Gate offers Microsoft MVPs. The fact is I have licensed Red Gate products for years before I became a friend, and only share my experiences with their products because I find them productive. That said, they have some exciting news for Fox user groups
Red Gate is expanding their support of user groups and Rachel was asking me if I knew of any other groups they should be targeting. I naturally told her how Visual FoxPro developers often use SQL Server, and how even Access developers use SQL Server as a backend database. So Rachel is looking for Visual FoxPro user groups to get in contact. From her email:
“As our .NET division continues to grow, so I am looking for new avenues of user groups to offer Red Gate’s assistance to. If you know of any Visual Fox Pro or Microsoft Access Developers groups in your local area and you think that they could benefit from our sponsorship or assistance please do pass on their details to me. As you know, we are always willing to try and reach out to the local community as much as we can and your assistance with this is always very much appreciated.”
I am not exactly sure what Rachel is planning to do other than to help provide some speakers to meetings, which is a big help if you have worked on this aspect of the user group.
If you are a VFP user group leader make sure one person from your group sends Rachel an email to let her know about your group. You can get in contact with her: Rachel period Hawley at red-gate period com.
(Please note: I know this should be obvious if you know me, but I do not get any kickback by getting user groups to sign up with Red Gate, I am only doing this to help out other Fox user groups in our community.)
Yes, I can recommend that too! I’m using RedGate’s SQLBackup here, which has a very intuitive interface, and does a compressed and fast Backup of SQLServer databases. Works without any problems, easy to configure (so easy that even I managed to get that damn Transaction-log shrinking finally to work automatically