You might be wondering of there ever will be a fresh book written on Visual FoxPro?
The answer is yes! Making Sense of Sedna and SP2 is a terrific book co-written by Tamar E. Granor, Doug Hennig, Toni Feltman, Cathy Pountney, Rick Schummer, Bo Durban. This book is the the definitive coverage of all the new features added to Visual FoxPro 9 via the Sedna add-ons and the Service Pack 2 release (including the very important and latest hotfixes). I worked closely with Microsoft to test many of the components of Sedna and I still learned a lot by writing my chapters and reading the ones from the other authors. There is a lot of great information and insight packed into the 242 pages.
Special thanks to Rainer Becker who has determination to push for new Visual FoxPro books. dFPUG is simultaneously releasing Making Sense of Sedna and SP2 in English and German.
All the details for the book are on the Hentzenwerke Publishing Web site.
You can get the electronic version of the book immediately after you order it. Hentzenwerke Publishing is putting together a special print run for the book. The printed edition is available in July so get your order in today!