Home » Conferences, Ongoing Education, SWFox Registration Web site, Southwest Fox » Southwest Fox/Xbase++ 2015: Registration Opens
It is late spring and that means one thing around Geek Gatherings LLC, time to get the registration opened for the Southwest Fox and Southwest Xbase++ 2015 conferences. Super-Saver Registration, which saves you $125, is available only through June 30th, so don’t wait.

As Doug, Tamar and I have explained before, putting on a conference is a risky endeavor. Conference centers require a guaranteed minimum income to block the dates of a conference; for a conference like Southwest Fox and Southwest Xbase++, that minimum is in the tens of thousands of dollars. We have to confirm our commitment to the conference center by July 2nd and need your support by July 1st to make that commitment.

We won’t be charging credit cards or deposit checks until some time after we make the “go” decision. So there is no reason to hesitate to get registered immediately.

In addition, as we recently said, if Southwest Fox Super-Saver registration is strong enough, we’ll add some speakers and topics.

Here is what you can expect from Southwest Fox and Southwest Xbase++:

  • Two simultaneous conferences for the price of one.
  • Terrific selection of sessions from great presenters.
  • A total of 25 regular conference topics between the two conferences, 5 pre-conference sessions to choose from, and a keynote to pack your days with learning opportunities and inspiration.
  • White papers from every session (mandated by the organizers) so you can read about sessions you can’t fit into your schedule, or review material you saw at the conference when you return home.
  • Lunch Thursday if you register for two pre-conference sessions. (You can also purchase lunch Thursday at our cost.)
  • Lunch Friday and Saturday for all attendees.
  • Dinner Friday night.
  • A free pre-conference session if you register by June 30th.
So please register soon, and encourage every Visual FoxPro and Xbase++ developer you know to register, too.

Registration: https://geekgatherings.com/Registration
Speakers: http://swfox.net/speakers.aspx
Southwest Fox sessions: http://swfox.net/sessionsswfox.aspx
Southwest Xbase++ sessions: http://swfox.net/sessionsswxbase.aspx
Questions: info@geekgatherings.com
Get added to our email list: info@geekgatherings.com

Only 136 days until we gather in Gilbert! I hope to see everyone there.

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