UncategorizedMay 29th, 2020
Just a reminder that the deadline to submit session proposals for Virtual Fox Fest is next Monday, June 1st. You’ll find details on our Call for Speakers page. We look forward to your ideas and session proposals.
Virtual Fox Fest is October 15, 21, and 27, 2020!
Only 139 days until we virtually gather on the Internet.

We are excited to offer you Virtual Fox Fest, an online conference presenting the latest in Microsoft Visual FoxPro development techniques and interoperability with other technologies. This conference provides a venue for VFP experts to come together virtually to learn more about how our fellow programmers are using and extending VFP. For details about Virtual Fox Fest, please see https://virtualfoxfest.com.
We’ve issued the Call for Speakers for Virtual Fox Fest. If you are interested in presenting, please read the document referenced in that page and consider submitting sessions. If you previously submitted sessions for Southwest Fox 2020, you don’t need to resubmit for Virtual Fox Fest (but feel free to delete or revise your prior submissions or submit new sessions).
Only 155 days until we gather via the Internet!
We’re disappointed to announce that due to COVID-19, the annual Southwest Fox Conference is on hiatus in 2020. It was a difficult decision knowing how much fun we have when we get together each year, but it was appropriate given the circumstances we have been dealt. We are going to return to Gilbert for some face-to-face learning October 14-17, 2021. More exciting news about a new Fox conference for 2020 in my next post.
Only 519 days until we gather in Gilbert!