Each time a new version of VFP is released I look at all the new commands and functions to see how I might be able to incorporate them into my user applications and developer tools. Each time I have found some function or command that makes me scratch my head and wonder what the Fox Team had in mind. For VFP 9 this was MAKETRANSACTABLE().
At least this is how I felt about this command up to a month ago. I received a new mini-project from one of my clients who needed a basic import of some accounting data from an external program into their custom app. The external table was a free table created and/or updated by another program. The new records needed to be imported into another DBF contained in a database container. Once the records are imported I needed to stamp them as imported in the free table. Hmmm, sounds like something I would want to do inside a transaction, but I have this free table… ah, finally the perfect reason to use MAKETRANSACTABLE().
The funny thing about this is I have never tried the new command to see if it works {g}. It is rare for me to work with free tables in a production environment. Normally I work with SQL Server, or VFP contained tables.
So I tested it out and it does indeed work, and it works well. The odds of the import not working is very, very remote because I am only adding the new records to the database table (no updates of existing records), but I thought the extra security of doing it inside a transaction was worth the extra couple of commands to add to the code.
Here is some of the code so you can understand fundamentally what I did.
TRY USE (toParameter.cFeedFile) IN 0 EXCLUSIVE ALIAS (toParameter.cFeedFileAlias) SELECT (toParameter.cFeedFileAlias) INDEX ON TimPe TAG TimPe * Allow the free table to work in a transaction
* Set buffering so entire table gets updated or can be reverted CURSORSETPROP("Buffering", 5, toParameter.cFeedFileAlias) **** Open other tables...
CATCH TO loException toParameter.lOpenedAll = .F. toParameter.cTableUpdatedFailureMsg = "Failed opening tables - " + ; loException.Message ENDTRY
*** Handle processing of tables...
* Start a transaction so all changes can be backed out.
toParameter.lDatabaseFileTableUpdatedResult = ;TABLEUPDATE(.T., .F., toParameter.cDataBaseFileAlias)
IF toParameter.lDatabaseFileTableUpdatedResult * Continue on with the feed table update toParameter.lFeedFileTableUpdatedResult = ; TABLEUPDATE(.T., .F., toParameter.cFeedFileAlias) IF toParameter.lFeedFileTableUpdatedResult * All changes committed END TRANSACTION ELSE * Record why AERROR(laError) toParameter.cTableUpdatedFailureMsg = laError[2] ENDIFELSE * Record why AERROR(laError) toParameter.cTableUpdatedFailureMsg = laError[2]ENDIF
* Determine the way to finish up.IF toParameter.lDatabaseFileTableUpdatedResult AND ; toParameter.lFeedFileTableUpdatedResult * All went well and is commitedELSE * Problems and rollback ROLLBACK TABLEREVERT(.T., toParameter.cDataBaseFileAlias) TABLEREVERT(.T., toParameter.cFeedFileAlias) toParameter.nRecordsInserted = 0 ENDIF
I think it is cool when there are others that have a vision to incorporate things into Visual FoxPro that hit me years later how I can use them.