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According to Mary Jo Foley, Microsoft is not doing a “service pack one” for Windows Server 2008. Why? Because the first release is SP1. Brilliant. Maybe Microsoft has caught on that many companies do not adopt an update or upgrade until the first service pack is released.

It makes some sense after you read Mary’s blog post that Microsoft would want to keep the core code on par with the Vista service pack changes, but is it really that hard to keep the versions in line with normal expectations (first release is RTM, and SP1 is the first set of fixes)?

So how much faster will Windows Server 2008 be adopted by the corporate world because of this slight of hand? I think it will have no affect on the adoption, but I do think it will raise some eyebrows. {g}

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4 Responses to “Microsoft – Faster adoption of products?”

  1. February 20th, 2008 at 16:02 | #1


    I’m not sure what you mean here. 2008 Server RTM is NOT SP1… the kernel and some other core components are the same as Vista SP1. When 2008 SP1 comes out it will be Vista SP2. Different products, different versions.

    However, I would anticipate that the file version numbers are the same.

    We have the same problem with deciding if the file versions should match the product versions, or not? How do you handle it?


  2. February 20th, 2008 at 16:42 | #2

    Did you read Mary’s article? In the article she states that the original production release is SP1, and the first update (a service pack) will be SP2. She has a picture with the released OS properties showing the newly released version is already noted as SP1.

    Here is the reason from her post:

    “Chalk that abnormality up to Microsoft’s ongoing attempt to more closely synchronize its Windows client and Windows server releases. Because Windows client and server are built from the same core and thus get patched with many of the same updates and fixes, Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista SP1 are now “on par.””

    I think it is goofy and a bit misleading based on how things normally work.

    I only have one version, the EXE version. It simplifies everything in communicating with my clients. Sometimes I use standard 1.1.1 versions, and some clients prefer dated versions like 2008.2.20.

  3. February 22nd, 2008 at 00:29 | #3

    I installed Windows Server 2008 last week. I can assure you that it says Service Pack 1 in what I installed, even though this is the first release. And, it is one sweet server OS.

  4. February 22nd, 2008 at 10:16 | #4

    Ah… I knew about the “binary” compatibility… but I didn’t know they were actually showing the inital 2008 release as SP1.

    I guess this way people also don’t have to wait for SP1 before implementing.


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