Home » Conferences, Virtual Fox Fest » Virtual Fox Fest 2022 (Oct): Follow-up

Here are some follow-up notes about Virtual Fox Fest 2022 (October):

- Videos for all presentations are now available on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsLb2rL3ALQW9g5r-qqf_jA/videos) for free to everyone, as our contribution to the VFP community. Be sure to subscribe to our channel.

- If you didn’t attend Virtual Fox Fest and want materials (white papers and sample code) for the presentations, go to https://geekgatherings.com/Registration and “register” for the conference. You’re not really registering since it’s over, but in the Registration Fees section of the registration page, you’ll see “Virtual Fox Fest Session Materials” for previous events. There’s also an opportunity to sponsor Virtual Fox Fest, which means your name will be listed on our Sponsors page (https://virtualfoxfest.com/sponsors.aspx).

- Check out our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/events/769548681104749/) and see what was going on at the conference, then plan to attend a future one so you can join in the fun.

- If you are on Twitter, you can check out more by searching for #VirtualFoxFest

Virtual Fox Fest: https://virtualfoxfest.com/

One day since we met virtually on the Internet.

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