
Archive for the ‘Conferences’ Category




We have to decide by August 31 whether to hold Southwest Fox 2023 or not. So far, registration for both the in-person and virtual conferences has been slow. We have three options: a hybrid conference as planned, a virtual conference only, or no conference. If you want us to decide to hold the conference, register (for either the in-person or virtual event) before August 30. Credit cards will not be charged until September. If you are registering for the in-person conference, DO NOT book travel until you hear our decision.

Please head over to the registration Web site today:

Don’t miss this chance to learn from the best and mix with your peers.

XSharp Free Post-Conference Session
The XSharp Team is planning a Sunday afternoon (10/22) vendor session called “Migrating Your VFP App to .NET with X#.” Check out our Workshops page for all the up-to-date details.

If you’ve already registered for the conference and want to attend this session, email and we’ll add you to the post-conference list.

Only 64 days until we hope to gather in Scottsdale!


Hear that sound? Tick, tick, tick, tick…

That’s the countdown clock here at Geek Gatherings getting closer to the Super-saver deadline for Southwest Fox!  July 31st is next Monday and we thought we would pass along one more reminder just in case you forgot to add it your reminder list or put a yellow sticky note on your monitor. We still need people to register to make the in-person side of the conference happen.

Urgent: do not make plane reservations until we announce the decision for the in-person conference, which we expect to make in the coming weeks.

The conference takes place October 19-22, 2023 in Scottsdale, Arizona and we really hope you can be there. We would hate to see you lose out on the $100 discount and for those who really want to attend in-person, miss out on a spot in the first 50 registrations (the room limit we have for the conference space).

Head over to the registration Web site today:

If you’ve already registered, we thank you. Can you help us remind fellow developers who have been procrastinating about the looming deadline by sharing this email, sharing about it on social media, or posting on a forum how great a previous Southwest Fox or Virtual Fox Fest conference was for you? You can also spread the word by telling others you’re going on our Facebook event.

Nitty-Gritty Details
Check out our list of amazing speakers and dig into our sessions. Follow the news about the conference and our blog.

Contact Us:

Please beat the rush so we still have some fingernails left when August begins!

We appreciate all the support people have shown for the in-person conference with early registrations. We look forward to getting many more this week as we need them to make the “in-person go” decision; otherwise, we will be all virtual. If you’re planning to attend the virtual conference, please register now as it helps in our decision-making process.

Only 83 days until we gather in Scottsdale.


Speakers ( and Sessions ( for Southwest Fox 2023 have been announced, and registration is open! As I discussed earlier, we have a limit on the number of people who can attend in-person, and in less than 24 hours since registration opened, 1/3 of the spots have already been taken. So, if you’re considering attending in-person, register (Registration | Geek Gatherings) today or you could miss out! Also, Super-Saver Registration, which saves you $100, is available only through July 31st, so don’t wait. When registering, be sure to select the proper conference on the registration site: choose either the in-person event or the virtual event.

Only 100 days until we gather in-person in Scottsdale and virtually via Hopin via the Internet.


Virtual Fox Fest 2023 (May) is a one-day event on Wednesday, May 10, 2023. We have some great speakers delivering great sessions, live chatting during presentations, and getting to hang out virtually with new and old friends. This event will feature classic sessions (from previous conferences), updated for 2023, along with at least one brand new session. More details here:

Registration is open! Details, deadlines and cost are available on our Web site. You register for the conference here: Don’t procrastinate, get this done today!

We’re planning Southwest Fox in Arizona this October. We expect to announce our plans for a hybrid (in-person and virtual) fall conference some time in April.

White Light Computing is a Platinum sponsor of Virtual Fox Fest and Southwest Fox.

Only 60 days until we gather virtually via the Internet.


Here are some follow-up notes about Virtual Fox Fest 2022 (October):

- Videos for all presentations are now available on YouTube ( for free to everyone, as our contribution to the VFP community. Be sure to subscribe to our channel.

- If you didn’t attend Virtual Fox Fest and want materials (white papers and sample code) for the presentations, go to and “register” for the conference. You’re not really registering since it’s over, but in the Registration Fees section of the registration page, you’ll see “Virtual Fox Fest Session Materials” for previous events. There’s also an opportunity to sponsor Virtual Fox Fest, which means your name will be listed on our Sponsors page (

- Check out our Facebook page ( and see what was going on at the conference, then plan to attend a future one so you can join in the fun.

- If you are on Twitter, you can check out more by searching for #VirtualFoxFest

Virtual Fox Fest:

One day since we met virtually on the Internet.


Thanks to all who have registered for Virtual Fox Fest 2022 (October). Early registrants help us plan ahead. This is another friendly reminder to the rest of you that it takes just a few minutes to register.

We’re really excited about this year’s Virtual Fox Fest line-up and we know you will be, too. You can find all the details:

You can order your Virtual Fox Fest gear anytime. If you don’t like the items or colors we’ve chosen, click on any item as a starting point and then click “Customize This Product” to choose the product and color you really want.

Virtual Fox Fest is October 13th, 19th, and 25th, 2022.

Only 30 days until we gather virtually via the Internet.


Last call!  (we want to make sure we have your attention)

The Early-Bird discount ends midnight (North American Eastern time) on Wednesday, which is just a couple of days away. Here is the direct link to get registered! (

Virtual Fox Fest is October 13, 19, and 25, 2022!

Only 45 days until we gather virtually via the Internet!


Thanks to all who have already registered for Virtual Fox Fest; we appreciate your support and our speakers are excited to share their sessions with you soon.

Please register for Virtual Fox Fest before September 1st, our Early-Bird deadline. We know you are interested in saving $50, and we would appreciate processing the bulk of the registrations in August. Perfect synergy! As a bonus, we won’t process your payment until September.

It takes just a few minutes to register. Virtual Fox Fest is October 13, 19, and 25, 2022.

Only 53 days until we virtually gather via the Internet