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If you author any kind of whitepaper or article with Visual FoxPro example code you quickly understand the need to suppress the rich text formatting included in VFP 9 when you copy code to the clipboard. At first I really liked this feature for my own technical documentation, but when I work with conference session templates, magazine templates, and Hentzenwerke Publishing templates I am frustrated because it breaks the style guides from the various publishers. During the VFP 9 beta the feature was part of the product and not configurable, but the voices of the beta testers were heard loud and clear. We want a way to shut this off.

I have helped many developers turn off this feature, and today while working on my error handling session for GLGDW 2006 I realized I turned this on (nice when sharing code in email or posting on a forum) and need it off while writing the whitepaper. I have a program to toggle the setting. Here is the code:

* Toggle rich text formatting to clipboard
IF ‘X’ $ _vfp.EditorOptions
* Turn it off
_vfp.EditorOptions = STRTRAN(_vfp.EditorOptions,”X”, SPACE(0))
* Turn it on
_vfp.EditorOptions = _vfp.EditorOptions + ‘X’

You can hook this up to a developer menu item, or toolbar, or just run it from the Command Window.

Bonus Tip
While reviewing the code I remembered another tip to share. IntelliSense has a feature called C++ Operator Expansion. I use this all the time. If you have a variable like lcErrorString and you want to concatenate some text to the existing string you can enter the following in the program editor:


Then hit the space bar and you will see:

lcErrorString = lcErrorString +

You are ready to type in the rest of the logic to perform the concatenation. There are several C++ operators to work with in VFP’s IntelliSense.


The reason I was inspired to write the bonus tip is the situation where you have a object.Property and want to concatenate or increment, like _vfp.EditorOptions. If you have code like this in the program editor:


And hit the space bar, nothing happens. I reported this as a bug during one of the betas. The workaround is simple, but you have to remember it when writing code. Include a space between the property name and the operator, then hit the space bar after the operator.

_vfp.EditorOptions +=

Enjoy the weekend!

3 Responses to “FoxPro Tips: VFP’s EditorOptions”

  1. Andy Kramek
    March 19th, 2006 at 08:33 | #1

    Hi Rick
    Your note about the necessity of including a space before the “+=” operator is not strictly accurate. It seems to work just fine is mosdt cases – but for the VFP application object it DOES require the space. Try the following in an editing window, or even by instantiating the object in command window:


  2. March 19th, 2006 at 10:57 | #2


    Thanks for the clarification. You are absolutely correct. I guess the reason I have taken the “space approach” every time is it works for the VFP application object and the other objects. One approach is simpler for me to remember.

  3. March 27th, 2006 at 17:04 | #3

    I chose the opposite approach with the formatted code. Since I do virtually all my writing with Word, I set up a shortcut in Word to paste without formatting (Edit | Paste Special | Plain Text, or something like that).

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