
Posts Tagged ‘Social Media’


After listening to a couple of friends swear it is not another potential BIG distraction, and being prompted by an email notification from Hentzenwerke with Whil’s take on Twitter, I have decided to listen to the chirping. At least give it a try for the short-term. New methods of learning is what this is all about. If I learn this is a waste of time, I still have learned something.

If you are interested in my brief ramblings, you can find me on

In case you are wondering what “tweeting” is, I posted the description on the ProFox list back a couple of weeks:

“Tweeting” is what Twits do when they post on Twitter. {g}

And for the record, I do not expect this to take away from the blogging (not that I have been doing much of this lately either with my crazy schedule). Blogs are way better in my opinion because I can explain things in detail when I have more than 140 characters to write.
