Home » Uncategorized » Andy Kramek – The Conference Season is upon us

If you are not a regular reader of Andy Kramek’s blog – head over there, hit the syndication RSS feed and make sure your aggregator is letting you know when Andy posts. I can count on both hands the blogs I read as soon as I see them pop up in FeedDemon. Andy’s is right their at the top of the list. I have been wondering why he has not posted in a while. I should have guessed.

Andy’s post on the conference season is dead on. There is no better time to head to a conference. If you are having trouble convincing your boss to pay for it, then consider paying your own way. I paid my way to two Advisor DevCons and one Great Lakes Great Database Workshop (GLGDW) when EDS did not want to pay. At least they gave me the time (not docking my pay). I can tell you from personal experience this was one of the many investments I have made in my career which have paid big dividends.

OK, back to my session preparation (nine sessions to create or refresh in the next few weeks).

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